Yogi Planet

So Nithayoga 1 is called Vishkumbha and is connected to the Nakshatra of Pushya and Nithyayoga 2 is called Preeti and is connected to the constellation of Ashlesha is the Yogi planet becomes Mercury. Certain Nitya yogas are more challenging emotionally and psychologically such as numbers 6, 9, 10, 13, 17 and 27.

YogiFrom: Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao@yahoo.co.in>

Ketu being the Yogi Planet in one's horoscope, will it produce auspicious or inauspicious results in its Dasha or Antardasha? Yogi planet: It is calculated by adding Longitudes of Sun & Moon to a constant of 3 R-3 Deg & 20 minutes. This constant is added because 1st Yoga Vishkumbha as mentioned above starts at 3R-3°-20'. The star lord of this total is known as Yogi planet & the Rashi lord is Duplicate Yogi. Yogi Point & Yogi Planet: Yogi planet is the planet for prosperity. The precise degree of the yogi planet becomes the yogi point of your chart. Yogi point is an extremely positive degree in a chart. When benefic planets like Jupiter transits over this point, you can get major material success. The lord of the house wherein the yoga point falls is called as Saha Yogi (supporting planet to Yogi) and the nine planets fall in 3 planetary groups such as Guru, Chandra and Ketu (1), Surya, Budha and Rahu (2), and Shani Shukra and Kuja (3). It is for us to know in which planetary group the yogi planet falls.

Yogi Planet Calculator

Date: Wed, Apr 2, 2008 at 3:01 AM


Dear Chi.Narasimha,
We know that there are 27 Yogas starting from Vishkumbha to Vaidhriti.Now the 1st Yoga Vishkumbha's Nakshatra is Pushyami,so it is basis of calculating Yoga point in a chart.So the Nakshatra Pushyami starts from 3 signs 3 Degrees and 20'.So here is the calculation for Yoga point in a chart :
Add Rashis 3-3-20 to the sum of longitudes of Surya and Chandra in a chart and this is nothing but the Yoga Point.This point has some Nakshatra and the ruler of this Nakshatra becomes the Yogi Planet.The Rashi lord where this Yoga point falls is called Saha Yogi or duplicate Yogi.Similarly by adding this Yoga point to 6 Rashis ,we get what is called as Ava Yogi Point and the Nakshatra ruler of this Ava
Yogi point is called Ava Yogi planet.

Similarly we have Dagdha Rashis or burnt Rashis or zero Rashisor Tithi Shoonya Rashis.The planets poisted in these Rashis become weak and will not give auspicious results if the planets are benefic one and if the planets are malefic,they give auspicious results while posited in these Dagdha Rashis.The lords of these Dagdha Rashis are called Tithi Shoonya Planets and such planets if posited in Dagdha Rashis they lose their benefic characters and do bad for the native.
The Dagdha Rashis are based on each Tithi.
1) Prathama Tithi --Tula and Makara
2) Dwiteeya Tithi ---Dhanu and Meena
3) Triteeya Tithi ----Simha and Makara
4) Chaturthi Tithi ---Vrishabha and Kumbha
5) Panchami Tithi ---Mithuna and Kanya
6) Shasti Tithi ------Mesha and Simha
7) Sapthami Tithi ---Kataka and Dhanu
8) Ashtami Tithi ----Mithuna and Kanya
9) Navami Tithi -----Simha and Vrischika
10) Dashami Tithi ---Simha and Vrischika
11) Ekadashi Tithi ---Dhanu and Meena
12) Dwadahsi Tithi --Tula and Makara
13) Trayodashi Tithi -Vrishabha and Simha
14) Chaturdashi Tithi - Meena,Mithuna,Kanya and Dhanu
15) Paurnima Tithi ----None
16) Amavasya Tithi ---None.
The above aspects are given in Vidya Madhaveeyam and Shri H.R.Sheshadri Iyer has used them extensively in analysing the horoscopes.
I hope this helps.

Yogi Planet Meaning

With Shri Hari Vaayu Guru Naama Smarana,
Ramadas Rao.